A branch of the Bertha Bartlett Public Library located in Gilbert, IA.
Preschool Storytime
Preschool storytime is geared toward children ages 0 to 6 years. The goal is to introduce early literacy skills utilizing books, songs, fingerplays, rhymes and other literacy activities. Many of our storytimes include a related craft. Parents, grandparents and caregivers are welcome to attend. Preschool storytime meets in Gilbert on Tuesdays at 8:30 am.
Special Programs & Announcements
Watch the Gilbert Facebook page for details on upcoming programs and special announcements (including closings/cancellations).
Summer Reading Programs
The Gilbert Library offers a summer reading program that is open to all ages, from baby to adult. Our program includes reading challenges, special program events and chances to earn prizes! Stop into the library for additional details. Watch the Gilbert Facebook page for details about the summer reading program and special summer events.
NOTE: Effective July 1, 2011, the City of Gilbert is contracting with Bertha Bartlett Public Library in Story City for library services. That means all the library benefits Gilbert residents have enjoyed in the past, but with the added bonus of having a physical location within Gilbert city limits.
Gilbert Library
207 Main Street
Gilbert, IA 50105-0252
Monday 8 AM - Noon
Tuesday 8 AM - 6 PM
Thursday 8 AM - 6 PM
Saturday 10 AM - noon